My favourite quote

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
Henry David Thoreau

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Declutter your life and start to breathe...


I  have a friend who does not bring something new into her house until she gives away, or discards of an item first. That's a rule that she lives by and at times I have thought its crazy because I loved all of my 'stuff' but more recently damn smart! Decluttering is such a simple concept, and sometimes hard to do but offers so much release and power, its surprising more people dont do it periodically. Generations past had it right when they would 'Spring clean' every year to 'get rid of the cobwebs'. I guess in the days of my mother and grandmothers who mostly stayed at home, this was a ritual they performed with pride. As our lives have become busier, some of those sensible tasks have gone by the wayside.

Decluttering your life isnt just about getting rid of 'stuff', it might symbolise a time to release certain things in your life you may have outgrown. It could be items which are just hanging around in drawers not being used.  If your living space is filled with things you no longer have use for, it may be time to get rid of them. Or it could be simply destressing your life, getting out of that job which is becoming hard to front up to, or culling all your extra activities which may be causing more stress than necessary...

When we first started this journey, I thought, it was a great opportunity to start fresh. We had lived with the same dark wood furniture for 24 years and it was time to lighten up so to speak.  So, as a symbol of starting anew, moving on, and letting go of 'stuff' both emotional and physical, I have literally walked out of my first home with not much of that original furniture and will be redecorating in a much lighter shade, of whites, charcoals and blues to compliment the sea change we are making.

My decluttering strategy was simple really, if I had not used or worn the item for over a year it was time to get rid of it.  I came to Altona with far less than I lived with in my old house, and I have not missed a thing that I left behind (except for my beautiful daughter and our dear Tammy dog). I have about 5 boxes I will be going through over the next few weeks before we leave here, some of my books are in them, and I need to decide if they are coming along with me - now this is something I really find hard to part with, my books, however along the journey my husband bought me a kindle where I can carry a few hundred books on one little amazing book.  Seeing that I have spent the best part of 20 years working in libraries they are in my blood and I do still like to loose an afternoon in them. Seeing as you can always take library books back I dont see them as clutter as they are not a permanent fixture, always changing. Today, as I started to think about what I will be taking with me, I returned a pile of books I had borrowed from Altona library for the last time, thankyou Hobsons Bay library service, you served me well while I have been here and I cannot wait to explore the Geelong library service once we move to our beach retreat, I am sure it will become a big part of my new relaxation strategy.

Tomorrow, we're heading back to our old place, where a skip will be awaiting us to fill up on whatever we left back in the shed plus some bits and pieces we could not decide what to do with.  In this shed are boxes which have been there for 11 years. Before we purchased our first home, we were an army family moving around every few years so boxes became a big part of our lives, lugging them from one Army house to the next.  I dont even know what's in them but I know I dont need whatever is except for any beautiful, handmade gifts my children came home with over the years, these I will lovingly keep,  but aside from these precious items, If I havent seen it for 11 years then I certainly dont need it now.  I expect that tomorrow, going through the shed and all its contents will be like a trip down memory lane but as long as those boxes dont come home with me it will be our last throwing out of the 'old' which we are leaving behind.

Some people believe that decluttering will help you become 'unstuck' and I can attest that living lighter has made me feel free and less cluttered. I believe you need to get rid of the old to make way for new things to come into your life.  I know that now I have learnt to live 'with less' I will never go back and my beach retreat will be a sanctuary only of all things beautiful and/or useful...

Holding on is believing that there’s only a past;
letting go is knowing that there’s a future.
– Daphne Rose Kingma

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Indulge a little...

Last week I purchased a new book for my kindle called "The art of extreme self care" It is written by one of my favourite author's Cheryl Richardson. Cheryl is a wonderful teacher of personal development & this book offers strategies for realising that our own needs are just as important amongst all the other things you feel you must get done on a daily basis. This book helps you transform your life one month at a time. I love taking the time to read books like this. They help you  to realise that its ok to take time out or put yourself first, and that this does not mean you are being selfish, in fact it is highly encouraged that in order to be of value to others, we must value and love ourselves first. There is no better time for me than now to begin to instil such  new values and routines and blend them into my new life and sea change, this is what our move is all about, slowing down, learning to stop the chatter in my head of that long list of things I think that I 'should do' and just 'be' and 'live' in the moment of each day we have given to us.  That's the whole point, and I think in our busy lives, we forget that our time is limited, that we may not always be here to do the things we wish to do when 'we get around to it'.

I have decided that this thinking is going to be a big part of my 'new life'. My move from Melbourne is not just getting rid of the hustle and bustle surrounding my current existence; it’s all about letting go of old habits and embracing new beginnings which will encompass self-care & self-love. It’s now time to start looking after us, and I think after 23 years of family rearing, it’s well overdue. There comes a time in your life, perhaps it happens as you are nearing 50 years of age as I am, that you realise, if you don’t start living the life you have dreamed of for so long, there is no guarantee you will be around to live it if you wait too long, which is the whole reason behind our move, its now time for us, without the guilt.

 I believe that its really important to treat yourself every now and then and do something really indulgent which makes you smile every time you think of it.  I felt this way when I  put plantation shutters in my first home.  The pure joy this gave me every morning when I awoke and stepped into my lounge made me think I was stepping into someone’s else's dream.  The second indulgence I allowed myself in our first house was a butler’s sink in the kitchen.  I absolutely adore them and plan to replicate this as well as shutters in my beach retreat. Once I got them it made me realise that it’s not selfish to indulge a little along this way of life, but really important to do so. Whatever it is that makes you feel a little indulgent, it’s important to occasionally splurge.

So...I have decided that moving into our beach retreat, I am going to indulge away...and no more feeling guilty! Its such a wasted emotion. I am going to buy the finest home wares, the most gorgeous cushions for my couch & beautiful linen for the first time in my life, and instead of always looking for bargains, this time I plan to buy the best that I can afford (although if they are on special, even better). I feel quite liberated thinking this way and for the first time in a long time, I finally get to ask, what do I want?  How do I wish to decorate my home so that it brings me pure joy every time I walk in the door, for that is what we are really here to do, find our joy and what makes us 'tick' but sadly we waste so many years of our lives not experiencing the best of our lives.

Its nearly winter here in Melbourne and its beginning to get cold. Today I bought myself some new warm PJ's as I do each new winter season. So it got me thinking, what are my indulgences, things that really make me feel special or make having them in my life so much better.  As I was pondering this, I came up with this list of self-care items which make me feel good doing or having.  Perhaps you can make up your own list and if you haven’t experienced anything on your list in the last few months then you have some indulging to do...even if its just a little...Along this journey dont forget the 'you' in “Your life”

I love to indulge in
Coffee and cake at beautiful cafes
Long lingering breakfasts
Sleep ins on the weekend
Beautiful linen, throws and doona covers
 Soft luxurious towels
Staying in a gorgeous B&B
New PJ's each winter
New scarves each winter
A long hot bubble bath
Beautiful homewares
Beautiful books
& Fresh flowers

I think it’s time we all indulged & treated ourselves a little....
What can you indulge in today?